Lady Gaga's Little Monsters publish inspiring book of love & acceptance!

"Rare gem of a book" and "extremely empowering" Huffington Post
A Love Story
Written by Lady Gaga's Little Monsters
Photographed by Tracey B. Wilson

About the Author
HEAL THIS WAY author/photographer Tracey B. Wilson is a true Renaissance Artist. Working professionally as an actor, photographer, filmmaker, comedian, and emcee, the through line of her work is the energy she brings to a project, and her belief in the human spirit. Ms. Wilson has worked on Lady Gaga's North American tours, giving high-energy rock-star photo shoots to the Little Monsters in a pre-show performance art event, sponsored by Virgin Mobile. Joining the Monster Ball Tour in the fall of 2009, and continuing with the Born This Way Ball, Tracey has had the privilege of showing thousands of Little Monsters how beautiful they truly are.

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Tracey B. Wilson
& Heal This Way
What people are saying...
The beauty behind Tracey’s work is that she illuminates the beautiful, very often in those who do not feel that beauty within. She makes people come alive in front of a camera – she gives them strength, she gives them light, she gives them purpose – she shows them how beautiful they are.
– The Write Teacher
You gave us a voice and forever have immortalized sacred pieces of ourselves. With this book, you have given each of us the ability to potentially help others. Maybe even save a life. THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING IN US and fighting to let our voices be heard!
- Darya F.
On behalf of myself and every other person who has been affected by this book, thank you. Thank you for being the one to showcase our bravery in such unique way. For helping us break the silence and letting our worlds be heard. - Luis Rubiohank you for being the one to showcase our bravery in such unique way. For helping us break the silence and letting our worlds be heard.
- Luis R.
Participating in Heal This Way was a very special moment for me, one that I did not even know the full potential of it. Heal This Way isn't a title, it's a legacy; a strive to be a better person and to spread love to the whole world. With so many equality issues become mainstream, now is the time to be on the right side of history. This is beyond just Gaga, beyond just Heal This Way, this is about HUMANITY. The right to love, the right to feel safe being who you are, and the right to know you are important to this world. I celebrate this message everyday; I live to one day have this impact on the world and make it a better place. I celebrate the message of acceptance. We as a generation have the power to change all the negativity in the world, and in this is the first step in doing so. Thank you Tracey for being so strong and believing in us; because of you we have a future that isn't so bleak. – Ryan F.

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